Lower back pain is also called lumbago and is more of a symptom rather than a disorder. Different types of medical problems can cause lower back pain. It can also happen when one or several parts of the lower back, such as ligaments, muscles, nerves, or the spine’s bony structures, are affected.
Pain ranges from mild to severe, and in some cases, it can make walking, sleeping or working difficult. The best thing is that the chiropractor for back pain orthopedic near you can expertly help you manage this issue leaving you more relieved.
Four out of five people experience lower back pain at least once in their lives. It’s one of the most popular reasons people hire health care providers. Also, some people are likely to have back pain problems more than others.
Lower back pain symptoms can appear abruptly or come gradually. Sometimes, back pain can occur amid a particular event, like bending to pick up something. Other times, you may fail to determine the cause of the pain. If it happens suddenly, immediately call the emergency back pain specialist near you.
It can be sharp or dull, and sometimes it radiates down to the back of the legs. Sometimes, you may hear a pop when you strain your back during activity.
Note that pain can worsen in specific situations, like bending over, but gets better when you straighten it, like when lying down.
Other symptoms of back pain may include:
The orthopedic back chiropractor near you conducts a physical exam, asking you about the symptoms. They will check for any damaged or broken bones and may order imaging studies. These provide clear pictures of the vertebrae, discs and condition of muscles and ligaments.
Diagnosis may include spine x-rays to provide imaging of the bones, MRI or a CT scan to check for bone and soft tissue structure. An electromyography is also necessary to test for nerve and muscle damage which causes leg tingling and numbness.
The back pain specialist near you may also order blood orurine tests depending on the cause of your back pain, like genetics and kidney stones.
The back pain chiropractic clinic near you may order rest, ice treatment, or OTC pain relievers. A few days of rest can set your lower back to normal, so you resume your activities.
Other treatments include medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain relievers. Physical therapy also strengthens your muscles to support your spine. Physical therapy also improves flexibility, so you avoid other injuries. Chiropractic treatments and osteopathic manipulation are also essential for back pain relief.
The chiropractor for back pain orthopedic near you can also inject medication into the affected area causing pain.
When all doesn’t work, or your condition is very severe, your back will need surgical repair. Your provider can issue several types of surgeries, including several minimally invasive procedures.